vendredi 29 mai 2009
Events Galore!!!
June 4:
Sally Gardner : The Silver Blade, Orion
Awarding winning author presents the long awaited sequel to the exciting young adult's novel The Red Necklace about the French Revolution: at 6pm at the RWB
June 7:
Anne Marsella : Patsy Boone and Remedy, Portobello, Anne Marsella will talk about writing in English and in French in Paris at 3pm
June 7:
T.E. Carhart : The Piano Shop on the Left Bank, Vintage Press T.E. Carhart will read from his beloved bestseller about the hidden world of an atelier in Paris at 5 pm
June 7 :
Cole Swensen : American Hybrid, Norton and poets such as Kathleen Fraser, Jorie Graham, Alice Notley, Stacy Doris will celebrate the publication of The Norton Anthology of New Poetry -edited by Cole Swensen and David St. John at 630pm
June 8 :
Marie Etienne presents with Marilyn Hacker : King of a Hundred Horsemen (The National Poetry Series) FSG, winner of both the Robert Fagles Translation Prize and Pen Translation Prize at 7pm
June 12 :
Jill Jonnes : Eiffel's Tower, Viking 7pm
June 16 : David Francis: Stray Dog Winter Macadam Cage -7pm
June 29 : Steve Tomasula: Vas: An Opera in Flatland, University of Chicago Press- 7pm
The events are free and will take place at 22 rue St. Paul 75004
jeudi 28 mai 2009

Very often, Penelope will pull a book from our shelves because it looks like an interesting book. But it is not so often that the editor of a book she's pulled out will actually walk in the store! That's exactly what happened to Ben Servier from Penguin who came a -visiting and found a book, near and dear to him. The Little Book by Selden Edwards was one of his babies and here he was justifiable proud when he came across it! We were happy to have made his day!

Today we had a wonderful surprise when Anita Lobel walked in RWB. It was so nice to meet such a lovely person whose books we enjoy so much. Even better was the news that she has new books out, and we even got copies! And that she is currently working on another one.
Check out the photo with RWB's Aldridge Hansberry who is herself a great musician!
Watch out for the full list of events coming up in June!
dimanche 24 mai 2009

lundi 18 mai 2009
Un avant gout for June

I can't tell you how excited we are about this upcoming poetry event at RWB!
RWB and Paris en Toutes Lettres
For the Paris en Toutes Lettres Festival, RWB's events are the following...don't forget to write them down in your agendas
8 June 2009--Marilyn Hacker and Marie Etienne doing a bilingual reading from the King of a Hundred Horsemen at 7PM. Marilyn Hacker has just won the prestigious Robert Fagles prize for translation for this wonderful book.
This is where we were for the press conference!
samedi 16 mai 2009
The Subversive Copy Editor
vendredi 15 mai 2009
What a launch!
Here's a shot of some of the happy people in the store...
The proud author with her lovely book ...
Don't you just love our window? I tell you, it may look easy but creating a window, a good one at least, is an artform! Check out Carol Fisher Saller's book sitting proudly next to Prof. Thornton's.
jeudi 14 mai 2009
Book Launch at 6PM
lundi 11 mai 2009
Two lovely authors + events
Our other visitor was RWB favorite Cara Black who is currently in town to do several events for her newest novel Murder in the Latin Quarter. She stopped by to say hello and later on set up a cosy little interview at the back of the store. Her newest novel brings Aimee Leduc for the first time on the Left Bank. As with the other Leduc novels, this new one is sure to be a good read!
mardi 5 mai 2009
A long awaited sequel

At the beginning of the book, Yann and Sido are apart from each other. This is a time of great peril as the old aristocratic class makes way for the revolutionaries of 1789. Unfortunately the new regime fails to improve the people’s lot and to keep all dissent at bay the guillotine is used to great effect. Yann, who has been blessed with great powers, has decided to stay in Paris to help the people fleeing from Paris while Sido is away in London awaiting the time when they may be safely reunited. Unknown to them, there is danger coming closer every minute from an old and powerful foe as well as those bent on doing away with all dissenters to the new republic.
I can’t tell you enough how exciting the novel was. This is a fine piece historical fiction that is also a great adventure novel and a love story. And while it was written ostensibly for children, this is clearly a book to be enjoyed by readers of all ages. The author captures vividly the darkness and cruelty that pervaded this period of French history through her prose that gleams at times with poetic brilliance. It takes talent to make this particular period of history come alive in fiction form but she’s done a really great job. The only thing I would warn readers about this book is that it may not be for the squeamish or faint hearted as there are a number of gruesome details. But that’s a minor warning.
This time, its not one of the Twilight books

Blame Stephenie Meyer and her hugely successful Twilight series for the resurgence in interest in all things Vampire related. Granted, there's no shortage of authors writing vampire book series (Laurell Hamilton and Kim Harrison, to name two) but Meyers is the great star in the vampire firmament of late. Having read my fill of the Twilight series, I recently turned my attention on another author who has long been popular for her vampire stories. And I was very pleased to make my acquaintance with Ms. Charlaine Harris (in a manner of speaking), author of the Southern Vampire series.
Charlaine Harris was in fact, already a well known mystery writer when she decided to turn her hand to the vampire genre. Such was the success of her books that HBO recently turned them into a tv series called True Blood. Since it’s always a good idea to start at the beginning, I picked up Dead Until Dark to begin my journey into Harris' universe.
The principal character is Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress in small town Bon Temps Louisiana. She’s goodhearted if a bit isolated from the rest of the people and we learn that Sookie has a gift. She can “hear” people’s thoughts. And the effort of keeping out other people in her mind prevents her from being too close to people. We also learn that in Harris’ world, vampires have recently acquired legal status. Yup, they are now free to move about in the normal world complete with legal rights. The pesky problem of vampires drinking blood is solved with synthetic blood (sold as well in bars) and they’re not dead anymore, just suffering from a disease that makes them allergic to sunlight, silver and garlic. When Bill, a tall good looking (of course!) vampire comes to Bon Temps to set up house, Sookie is overjoyed. Finally here was someone whose thoughts she can’t hear. I suppose its not giving away too much of the plot if I tell you that Sookie falls hard for Bill. Only trouble is, women are turning up dead in town and they have fang marks.
This is the perfect book to read if you’re looking for something diverting and fun. Harris has written a vampire book with some twists. Sookie herself is a refreshingly likeable character, less warrior babe than Anita Blake or Buffy and less maiden in distress than Bella Swan. She’s a waitress but like she says “she’s not stupid or simple or a slut”. Add the fact that the vampires in this world are actually out and about and it makes for an interesting (to say the least) interaction between the humans and non-humans. What’s nice too about Dead Until Dark is that vivid description of a Louisiana small town. Harris is able to capture the nuances of small town life –the gossipy atmosphere of everyone knowing everyone else and their business but also the looking after each aspect that’s sometimes lost in big city living. My thought after finishing the book? I wouldn’t mind going further in the series and getting better acquainted with Sookie’s adventures.
dimanche 3 mai 2009
Events of the Month
On the 15th of May (Friday) at 6PM, we will have the book launch of Sara Thornton's new book Advertising, Subjectivity and the Nineteenth-Century Novel. In her new book, Ms. Thornton examines the interaction between fiction and advertising. This is a unique study in the field of Victorian literature that is sure to enrich and shed new light on the matter.

After advertising and Victorian literature, we are happy to host Carol Fisher Saller in a reading of her book The Subversive Copy Editor on the 16th of May (Saturday) at 3PM. Ms. Saller is a senior editor at the Manuscript Editing Department of the University of Chicago. As such she is in the unique position of reading the numerous writing and style questions lobbed at the Chicago Manual of Style Q and A forum. Her new book is a must for all lovers of language and writing. This is a great opportunity to meet (and yes, ask those questions you've always had!) and partake of Ms. Saller's immense expertise!

All events will take place at 22 rue St. Paul, 75004. To be kept updated on all our events, be a part of our mailing list and send us an email (with the subject RWB Mailing List) at Keep reading this blog for all upcoming events in June and July too!