mardi 27 mai 2008

A lovely afternoon surprise

Today the weather proved to be all gray and rainy. Not the cheeriest of times, even if I am surrounded by my most favorite things in the world. Things perked up considerably when the lovely Kristin Espinasse walked into RWB. She is the author of Words in a French Life: Lessons in Love and Language from the South of France. She came in quietly with her uncle and aunt in tow and introduced herself rather shyly. After we excitedly realized who she was (and which book she wrote) we were more than happy to tell her that her book was quite a success in the store with us constantly ordering and re-ordering the book in order to keep up with the demand. She very nicely agreed to sign the remaining copies of her book!
Her book actually evolved from her very successful blog (French-Word-A Day) which in turn came about because of her move to France to marry her husband and raise a family. It was when her children started learning French that she rediscovered the beauty of the language all over again. The blog is designed to share her experiences in settling down in the South of France. What makes it unique from other blogs is her use of one French word at a time as a starting point of her stories.
I’m happy to say that the book is a charming and well written one and after having met Kristin, it is clear that it is but a reflection of this lovely person.

6 commentaires:

Kiriel du Papillon a dit…

Kristin is lovely isn't she? I am subscribed to the French word of the day and it has been a gem of a thing. I live in Geneva, Switzerland, and being able to slowly, gently and often amusingly absorb French vocabulary is just great.

Anonyme a dit…

I don't even remember how I found the blog for French Word a Day but I have been reading it for 2 or maybe 3 years.

I have bought all her books and hope to be in Paris next year. The Marais is a favorite place and your bookstore will definately be on my list!

Nancy Johnson

Unknown a dit…

I am one of Kristin's subscribers and an ex-Rue St. Paul resident. I lived in a flat (through a French girl friend's hospitality and with whom I have retained a friendship all these years!!) behind the Eglise St. Paul and shopped in the Marais. Ah! memories of my days as a boursiere of the French Government and working as an stagiaire on French TV. After an international career odyssey in communications/media I now live in Toronto. Yes, I have returned to Paris many times.

Red Wheelbarrow a dit…

Yes, she's lovely and her blog is really fun and interesting. Hopefully all of you can visit us the next time you're in Paris.

Cybee a dit…

Bonjour! I have been reading and enjoying Kristin's blog and am delighted to learn about Red Wheelbarrow! Next time in Paris, I will certainly check you out! *^)

Kara Kitchen a dit…

I am glad she came in; it sounds like such an inspiring story.